“Bridging The Gap - Youth To Adulthood”
“Bridging The Gap” was designed in 1995 by Dr. Evelyn G. Lowery to address the challenges affecting our youth with an emphasis on girls and the impact these challenges have on their education. Monthly workshops with a focus on academic achievement. Real life experiences are shared as a value to demonstrate the long-term benefit of positive youth development. Some discussions include bullying, behavioral issues, heritage & culture, self-esteem, school life.
sclc/W.O.M.E.N. Inc. is committed to “Bridging The Gap” from youth to adulthood. Our purpose is to create opportunities enhancing self-esteem, promoting cultural, spiritual, economic awareness, & developing lifestyle & educational skills which empower “at risk” youth in Atlanta
Mentors are carefully vetted to ensure the safety of our youth. We provide interaction with intergenerational mentors & role models, sharing life, development, career mapping, & goal setting skills. We also aid in developing a sense of wellbeing & respect for self & elders.
Boys and girls ages 8-18 are welcome to be registered members!

Interim President of BTG
Ayanna A Hale